
Your First Visit

Your First Visit

We know that the first time seeing an orthodontist can be intimidating. That is why our team puts a lot of effort into making your first visit to us as relaxing, comfortable, and informative as possible. We know how to put all patients at ease, no matter their age. This visit is complimentary, meaning there is no risk on your part. So schedule your consultation and find out if we are the right practice for you!

To help speed up the process, please fill out the form(s) below:

Patient Registration (Adult)
Patient Registration (Child)
Hygiene Card

Your First Visit

We will review your medical history and complete an oral and dental exam.

Before proceeding with any treatment, Dr. Pham takes the time to explain the condition and his recommended treatment to his patients. He usually takes a picture to show his patients before and after photos and he will take the time to answer any questions. Your comfort and experience is very important to us.

After Your First Visit

After Your First Visit

Following the first exam, there will be an initial records appointment, often on the same day. At this appointment, we complete diagnostics that allows us to precisely plan treatment. These can include photographs, x-rays, and digital scans. Our state of the art digital panoramic-cephalometric x-ray unit gives us the ability to obtain the initial diagnostic information we need and makes it easy for us to access progress throughout active treatment.

After Your First Visit

Second Visit-Treatment Options

Your second visit to the office is a big one. At this appointment, we will use the initial exam and diagnostics to determine which treatment options are best suited to the needs of the patient. We will then go over the advantages and disadvantages of each, allowing the patient or their parents to determine which is best. We will take time to answer the questions you have and finish by covering the financials and payment plans and scheduling the next appointment.

And We’re Off!

At the third visit, the appliance will be placed, signaling the start of active treatment. From there, the patient will see us anywhere from every four to every six weeks, depending on their needs. Anywhere from six months to three years later, treatment will be complete, allowing the patient to enjoy their new smile.
Insurance Networks

Insurance Networks

We accept and honor most insurance coverages with orthodontic treatment benefitts. In the event that we are not on your specific network, we promise to submit the necessary information to your provider so that your benefits can be applied to your treatment here at e-orthodontics.

Insurance Networks

  • Exclusive Provider Plan
  • Aetna Aordable Health Choices
  • Aetna Dental Access
  • Family Preventive Health Plan
  • Aetna Advantage
  • PPO
  • 100, 200, 300 Specialist
  • SmileNet
  • DELTA DENTAL (all states)
  • Delta Premier
  • Delta PPO
  • Best Life
  • Dental Health Systems
  • Healthscope Benets
  • Pacicare
  • United Healthcare
  • Dental Guard Network (PPO)
  • Managed Dental Guard (MGD)
  • National Fee for Service
  • ParNet Advantage
  • Concordia Advantage

If your network is not listed, please let us know and we’ll do our best to become a preferred provider for your insurance needs.
Life With Braces

Life With Braces

Life with braces means making some changes. Not all of them are fun, but they do all mean better treatment results. Here is what you need to know about keeping your braces in top shape throughout your time in treatment.

Life With Braces

Eating With Braces

Here comes perhaps the biggest change life with braces brings: You will have to avoid certain foods until your braces, and possibly retainer, come off. And some of these foods people tend to be pretty fond of. Yes, you might not be able to munch on your favorite foods for a few months, or even a few years depending on how long you are in braces. But we promise the results are worth it. Here are some examples of foods you will need to steer clear of

  • Chewy foods: bagels, hard rools, licorice
  • Crunchy foods: popcorn, ice, chips
  • Sticky foods: caramels, gum
  • Hard foods: nuts, candy
  • Foods you have to bit into: corn on the cob, apples, carrots

Additionally, habitual chewing of things like pens, pencils, and fingernails will also be off limits.

General Soreness

Braces should never cause genuine pain, but soreness is to be expected. This soreness comes in two ways, both of which go away. The first is from the braces rubbing against the soft tissues of the mouth, causing irritation. This can be addressed with dental wax and saltwater rinses.

The other type of soreness is when the teeth feel sensitive to biting pressure. This happens due to the force braces place on the teeth. When braces are first put on, this soreness lasts for about two to five days, varying from patient to patient. After each adjustment, it tends to return for less than a day. To cope with this, eat soft foods, use saltwater rinses, and consider taking and over-the-counter pain medication.

Loosening Of Teeth

How do we get your teeth to move? By loosening up the ligaments holding them in place. This means that your teeth will feel loose in the gums during treatment. Once active treatment is over, retainers will keep them in place until they firm up and are fully stable. It may feel funny, but we promise it is normal.

Care Of Appliances

The best results come from having the best appliance. If you fail to take good care of yours and it becomes damaged, it can cause treatment to take longer than planned or for the results to be compromised. You need to precisely follow the directions the doctor gives you when your appliance is placed and contact us as soon as possible should it become damaged.

Brushing And Flossing

Because of the presence of brackets and archwires, brushing and flossing is harder when you have braces. After they are placed, we will go over the right techniques for brushing and flossing and even give you special tools that make it easier to succeed. Do not worry, you will be able to keep your teeth healthy while improving their appearance.


Playing sports is great, even if you have braces. But with certain sports, you will need to wear a mouthguard. This must be one we make, as mass-produced models do not fit over braces without harming them. Just let us know you need one and we will make it for you.

Loose Wire Or Band

Wires and bands can come loose. In fact, it is pretty much inevitable. When this happens, you can use dental wax to hold brackets in place and cover poking wires. It is also possible to use a clean pencil eraser to push the wire back into place or clip it with clean nail clippers. Call us as soon as there is a problem, even if you make a temporary fix.
Benefits Of Orthodontic Treatment

Benefits Of Orthodontic Treatment

There are many reasons why orthodontic treatment is beneficial. Crooked teeth looks less attractive, yes, but they are also harder to clean. This leads to tooth decay, uneven wearing, gum disease, and even tooth loss. Other problems associated with orthodontic abnormalities include damage to the jaw joint, struggles with eating and breathing, and even chronic migraines. When orthodontic treatment is recommended, it is vital that the patient gets the care they need.

Benefits Of Orthodontic Treatment

How Orthodontic Treatment Works

The exact manner in which treatment works varies depending on the appliances and methods used. Braces are the most common appliances and most patients will only need them and retainers for treatment. However, we offer many options, allowing us to take a customized approach. With us, you have access to all the types of care you might need or want.

How Long Treatment Lasts

Most patients will be in treatment between one and three years. However, this is highly individual, with some patients needing only a few months and others having complex cases that need attention throughout their childhood and adolescence. We will be able to estimate treatment time at the initial consultation.